06 March 2009

archery / bowhunting

     Hunters contribute over $500 million a year from hunting licenses and excise taxes on hunting equipment. All of that money goes to state wildlife agencies to run their programs. In most states these two items pay for over 75% of the wildlife agencies budget. In some states it pays for everything. Most people, even those who hunt, don't know this.
     My preferred hunt method is using bow. Here's some sites that show there's even more to learn than how wildlife management programs are funded.

 • Archery Forums. Hosted by eders.com, and onine archery supplies market site, there are active discussion groups on a range of topics from maintaining your equipment, traditional archery skills, to fishing with the bow.

 • Bow Country Forums: You may have to register before you can post, and you won't have access to the member list, but the Question + Answers forums are extensive and the classified ads are current. It is an actively used site and worth looking at.

 • Principles of Archery. H. Kent Craig outlines six important principles to consider when becoming an archer:
1- You must actually be taught archery by a teacher.
2- All flights to the stars must begin atop a firm and well-constructed launching platform.
3- Quality of equipment does matter, up to a point.
4- Your point of aim is never the target itself, but the point of impact where the arrow would land if the target wasn't in the way.
5- Practice does matter, but only up to a point, and never makes perfect.
6- Make the target your enemy.
 • Hunting in the Cold. A readable and handy article on being prepared, written by Steve Bartylla [and found in his new book, Advanced Stand Hunting Strategies]. Originally posted on Bowmasters e-magazine website. This had been a very good site, regrettably, the links provided there are no longer active.

 • Getting the most from your tree stand. Another Steve Bartylla article, this one published on North American Whitetail e-zine.

 • Bowsite: There is almost too much information to review; first person accounts; legislative updates; places to hunt, maintaining your equipment and more

 • Bowhunting.net: Truly information overlaod, the site has been online since 1996. Sections and links include * Daily eNews | * Online Bowhunts | * Archery & Bowhunting | * Online Events | * Photos | * Web Casts | * Community | * Networks | and thankfully * Past Months archives. Looking for a product by the vendor? This is the place to find a link.

 • Bowyers & Fletchers Guild [UK]. The Craft Guild of Traditional Bowyers and Fletchers was formed in 1989 by a group of craftsmen bow and arrow makers capable of making longbows of marketable quality and performance to the criteria of the British Long-Bow Society.

 • Hunting Society's Archery Links. From the site: "We are anon-profit, public service organization devoted to promoting archery and bowhunting, the protection of wildlife, and the preservation of wildlife habitats for use by all people.
     "We try to provide the largest and best collection of information about archery and bowhunting on the web, in as convenient a manner as possible. You won't see a lot of pretty pictures but it will load quickly and not waste your valuable time. We think that is a plus
". I agree.

 • Primitive Archer. Written for people who love the outdoors, hunting and archery and dedicated to “Passing On The Traditions Of Classical Archery” since 1992.

IMAGE SOURCES: Top Right: Pheasant Country.com photo gallery; Left: N C Weyth, Robin Hood

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